About Jinjja and why it exists

Jinjja exists so you can find the best products within a price range and avoid decision fatigue

Decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions made by an individual after a long session of decision making. It may also lead to consumers making poor choices with their purchases.

Read more about consumer-linked decision fatigue here

I have been meaning to solve this problem so made Jinjja, over-time I’d list more items which are best possible choices in a given price range so people don’t have to waste hunting through huge list of options.

Off course I’d make money via Affiliate links but I’d never take any sponsorships or push a product which I believe isn’t worth the money.

Everything which gets posted would be the best pick (according to me - which you can disagree with and even suggest a better option)

You can contact us on instagram @jinjja.products